Centre de Recherche en Nutrition Humaine (CRNH) de Nantes


Welcome to the CRNH Ouest web site

Welcome to the CRNH Ouest web site. The Research Center in Human Nutrition of Nantes is a Public Interest Group (GIP). It regroups research units, with themes of nutrition research, based in Nantes and Angers. Currently over 50 full-time equivalent researchers are working in synergy on topics focusing on the genetic neonatal fingerprint and cardio-metabolic risk, enteric or central nervous system, and nutritional pathologies, food allergies, food lipids and chronic pathologies. Just over 250 publications were produced by teams in top international journals in recent years. These works relies on infrastructure provided by the INRA, INSERM, ONIRIS, University research units who house the teams but also specific research platforms in particular mass spectrometry and clinical research on healthy volunteers or patients. The CRNH Ouest offers many modern tools of nutrition research from cellular or animal models of small and large sizes (mice, rats, dogs, pigs ...) and including the latest OMICS approaches (genomics, transcriptomics, proteomics, lipidomics, metabolomics ...) as well as the possibility of human explorations for physiological or clinical studies regarding adults and children (indirect calorimetry, measurement of metabolic flows with stable tracers, multiple digestive explorations, metabolic imaging ...). These research opportunities were made possible by research contracts ANR (French National Research Agency) or European teams, but also thanks to the parent bodies of teams, University Hospitals, local authorities, the common and region plan, and to the "Biogenouest" in Western France (The life science and environment core facility network in Western France). CRNH participates in education by welcoming numerous students of MASTER'S DEGREE nutrition and soon by being an active actor of the project MANIMAL "the world, a health" laureate of the call for projects entitled IDEFI (excellence initiatives in innovative training) part of "The French large loan, or future investment".

Director, CRNH Ouest GIP


22 October 2019


A 25th Anniversary Conference - The Human Nutrition Research Centre (HNRC) - Newcastle

The Human Nutrition Research Centre (HNRC) is 25yrs old this year! To celebrate we are holding a 25th Anniversary Conference on “Global Nutrition Challenges in the next 25 years”. The conference will be held on Wednesday 23rd October in the Urban Sciences Building, Helix site. Please see the attached poster. For further information and registration please go to the conference website at the following link: https://www.ncl.ac.uk/hnrc/events/conferences/
Biopolymers 2017 – Food for Tomorrow congress edition: Key ingredients for the next food transition will be held in Nantes from 29th November to 1st December 2017.
Biopolymers 2017 – Food for Tomorrow congress edition: Key ingredients for the next food transition will be held in Nantes (France) from 29th November to 1st December 2017.
The decision approving the renewal of the GIP (Public Interest Grouping) "CRNH Ouest" and the new convention was published in the Official Journal on November 14th, 2013.

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