The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition
A publication of the clinical research study Polynuca

A publication of the clinical research study Polynuca

Effect of preterm birth and birth weight on eating behavior at 2 years of age.

The authors assessed the influence of neonatal and maternal characteristics on eating behaviors at 2 y of age. The following 2 cohorts were compared: preterm children born from the POLYNUCA cohort and term children from the OPALINE cohort. Preterm children have more eating difficulties than term children do, but after adjustment for maternal and neonatal characteristics, gestational age is not associated with impaired eating behaviors at the age of 2 y. Female sex, a low maternal level of education, and less than 21 SD intrauterine growth are associated with eating difficulties at 2 y of age.

Migraine A, Nicklaus S, Parnet P, Lange C, Monnery-Patris S, Des Robert C, Darmaun D, Flamant C, Amarger V, Rozé JC.
Effect of preterm birth and birth weight on eating behavior at 2 y of age.
Am J Clin Nutr 2013 97: 6 1270-1277.

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Modification date: 11 September 2023 | Publication date: 17 June 2013 | By: CRNH Ouest