The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition

11 September 2023

By: CRNH Ouest

A publication of the clinical research study Polynuca

Effect of preterm birth and birth weight on eating behavior at 2 years of age.

11 September 2023

By: CRNH Ouest

The CRNH of Nantes becomes the "CRNH Ouest"

The decision approving the renewal of the GIP (Public Interest Grouping) "CRNH Ouest" and the new convention was published in the Official Journal on November 14th, 2013.

28 November 2017

Nantes (France)

Biopolymers 2017 – Food for Tomorrow congress edition: Key ingredients for the next food transition

Biopolymers 2017 – Food for Tomorrow congress edition: Key ingredients for the next food transition will be held in Nantes (France) from 29th November to 1st December 2017.

28 November 2017


Biopolymers 2017, Nantes (France), 29 th Nov-1st Dec 2017

Biopolymers 2017 – Food for Tomorrow congress edition: Key ingredients for the next food transition will be held in Nantes from 29th November to 1st December 2017.

22 October 2019


A 25th Anniversary Conference - The Human Nutrition Research Centre (HNRC) - Newcastle

The Human Nutrition Research Centre (HNRC) is 25yrs old this year! To celebrate we are holding a 25th Anniversary Conference on “Global Nutrition Challenges in the next 25 years”. The conference will be held on Wednesday 23rd October in the Urban Sciences Building, Helix site. Please see the attached poster. For further information and registration please go to the conference website at the following link: